The Fight For Stability

The Fight For Stability

During this time everyone is seeking some type of stability, more than ever. Not knowing what the outcome will be for one individual’s situation is one thing, but not knowing the outcome for humankind as we know it is an entirely different type of uncertainty. With almost every person panicking over a shortage of toiletries and struggling with the inability to engage in the normal social life, many are finding it hard to stay grounded and may feel like they are losing themselves. So just what does “stability,” look like at a time like this?


  1. Whatever thought, action, engagement makes you feel at peace.
  • There are so many articles and blog post about the “specifics,” of what you should be doing, but truth be told, it is whatever action brings you the peace of mind you require at the time. For some this will look like yoga, for others this will look like creating a morning routine, for some it may be sitting in an emotion a day to process where it’s coming from, and deal with it in the most gentle and healthy of ways. For you it may be calling a loved one a day and talking about something that stimulates your brain. The point is not to get overworked and cause greater anxiety by marinating over the specifics or the rights/wrongs. There is no rule book to this. Dive deep and seek answers from listening to your inner self. Breathe deep and say this 3x: I am rooted. I am grounded. I find peace in the midst of chaos.


  1. A clear mind, and a clear understanding of your emotions.
  • Keeping a clear mind at a time where everything is going haywire is key. Again, there is no playbook for this pandemic, so finding ways to keep the mind clear and the emotions within rational tact is essential. This will look different for certain individuals. Making it a priority to watch less “breaking news,’ read more positive and mind stimulating literature, and reminding yourself daily not to take anything personal at a time like this can be extremely helpful at a time like this.. Affirm and Believe: Everything is always working out for me. I am the master of my emotions. I am processing and keeping a clear headspace.
  1. Your ability to be content with your right now.
  • When you feel like you’re losing all control, the way you find contentment is making peace and being accepting of what is happening in your current state. You have the power to identify what’s going on, and the authority to choose how you will respond to it, vs reacting. What will you choose? Calmness and solitude? Or fear and worry?


Let the constant fight to be stable be a simple practice. It’s bad enough to have to sort through and adapt to a new norm, but to complicate it with “what ifs,” you could never be certain of is counter-productive and useless. May you be overwhelmed with soothing and comforting feelings in a time that feels extremely uncomfortable and rough!

By: Shawana Ward

Shawana Ward of Norfolk, Virginia is an Author and Motivational Speaker/Advocate for Self-Care, Mental Health, and Healing. She loves to spend quality time with loved ones, travel, and connect with other femmpenuers who enjoy empowering, building up, and giving back to their communities. Get acclimated via Instagram: @predominantlylove).

Shawana Ward of Norfolk, Virginia is an Author and Motivational Speaker/Advocate for Self-Care, Mental Health, and Healing. She loves to spend quality time with loved ones, travel, and connect with other femmpenuers who enjoy empowering, building up, and giving back to their communities. Get acclimated via Instagram: @predominantlylove).

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